Most of us either don’t care much about our shoes or we collect them till we have to buy a new shoe cabinet. Here are a few facts about footwear and how people treated them.
- The Middle East is usually scorching and so heels were added to shoes to allow more space between the hot sand & the foot.
- Samuel Pepys started including buckles to shoes In 1660. This provided warm feet & closed shoes.
- Shoes were considered unisex in Europe. Shoes had the same style when it came to women and men.
- For centuries, the Japanese were known to wear shoes staged on wooden blocks, with some going till 10-inches, but usually heightened 3-4 inches. While buying the shoes, people considered the sound the heel would make upon walking.
- Sneakers came into existence in the early 1800s in Europe. Once the United States started manufacturing them, sneakers were the most desired item on the footwear market.
- In the process to ensure the safety & happiness of the couple Chinese brides throw a bridal shoe on the roof of their home.
- The stiletto heels were created In 1954 by Roger Vivier. The name was derived from the Latin word meaning “small knife.” or “stake.
- In the Medieval time, the groom would obtain the shoes of his bride from her father.
- Amongst tin cans as a “Just Married” car decoration, Some newlyweds also prefer having their shoes tied too.
- The desire to collect high heeled footwear is termed as Altocalciphilia.
Those were indeed some peculiar facts. Shoes hold and mean so much to some of us which are why we’ll always keep buying them, apart from the usual necessity.